AIMES ERP software for Education Institute, Student Management, Feedback System, Learning Management System , Admission Software

Product and Services

Please check link : Courses


Fees / Pricing details

Please check link : Prospectus


Refund/ Cancellations Policy

In case of double payment and failure, You can make full or partial refunds to payee. While issuing refunds, you can choose to process the refunds instantly or at normal speed and will credit the amount to the student bank account within 5-7 working days.


About Us

Ananda Mohan College is one of the leading undergraduate evening colleges in Kolkata. Established in 1961 as the evening unit of the City Group of Colleges situated at 102/1, Raja Rammohan Sarani, Kolkata – 700009, it is now a premier evening college in the city of Kolkata. It offers undergraduate courses in pure science, bio science, humanities, social science and commerce with Honours/Major courses in such major subjects as Bengali, English, Philosophy, History, Economics, Political Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Physiology, Botany, Computer Science and Commerce. The college is proud that it has catered, and continues to cater to the needs of those sections of the students who cannot enroll in day colleges for a variety of reasons but nevertheless are willing to pursue the course of higher education. Thus, Ananda Mohan College humbly serves the cause of higher education.


Contact Us

Office Address :
102/1, Raja Rammohan Sarani, Kolkata - 700009
Telephone: (033) 23527327 (Office) Telephone: (033) 23605767 (Principal)


Terms and Conditions

Detailed instructions are given in the login page of the web payment as to the procedure to be followed in case of completed transaction and payment confirmation slip received and also failed transaction. Please follow the instruction carefully. Procedures to be followed during online payments through this site. Once “Pay” - Option is selected you will be directed for payment through NET BANKING or DEBIT / CREDIT CARD. You can choose the desired payment option and proceed. Payment process normally takes a few seconds to a minute and once the payment is successful, You will get a PAYMENT CONFIRMATION SLIP and the student has to keep the same for reference. In case the payment is not successful due to any reason you will get a display on the status of failure in payment. In case none of the above two happens, and there is heavy delay in any response from the system - if you have not proceeded with payment and not given any BANK or CC particulars, you may proceed from the beginning again and start the payment process again In case you have given all the DEBIT / CREDIT card details or NET BAKING authorization for payment, and have not got any response, please check with your bankers or credit card company and see if your account is debited. If your bank account/CC is debited, please dont make any attempt to pay again. Your account will be credited automatically and you will get the receipt on Transaction + 2 date.


Privacy policy

You agree to share information entered on this page with ANANDA MOHAN COLLEGE (owner of this page) and Billdesk, adhering to applicable laws.